Tuesday 12 February 2019

What are the signs of mild depression?

Mild depression can be hard to diagnose. Many symptoms can feel like regular emotional responses.
While the name may suggest that this is not a serious condition, changes in mood can become more severe, and it often helps to address depression at an early stage.
In this article, we look at how to identify mild depression, where it may lead, and when to seek help.

Signs and symptoms

Significant changes in moods and behavior can indicate mild depression, as can heightened physical sensations.
Common symptoms include:
·         irritability
·         negative thoughts
·         feeling unusually tired
·         feeling hopeless
·         feeling overwhelmingly sad
·         being frequently on the verge of tears
·         self-loathing
·         having difficulty focusing
·         feeling unmotivated
·         wanting to be left alone
·         having unexplained, minor aches and pains
·         losing empathy with others
Changes in behavior can also indicate depression. Sleep patterns can shift, and appetites may increase or decrease. People with mild depression may also use more mood enhancers, such as cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol.
Persistent depressive disorder is often called mild depression or dysthymia. A person diagnosed with this condition will have had symptoms listed above for about 2 years. They can typically manage their day-to-day life, but with little fun or enjoyment.
·         Major depression can involve very dark moods, which may lead to suicidal thoughts.
·         Seasonal affective disorder is often triggered during the shorter days of fall and winter. A lack of sunlight and changing sleep patterns may contribute to this condition.
·         Perinatal and postpartum depression can affect people during and after pregnancy. This depression can be mild or major.
·         Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is a severe form of premenstrual syndrome, which is commonly known as PMS.
·         Bipolar disorder can involve symptoms of minor or major depression. However, these symptoms come before or after a period of high energy and activity, which is classified as a manic or hypomanic state.
Moderate depression
The experience of depression can change over time. New symptoms, such as periods of gloominess or sleeplessness, may occur.
Existing symptoms may also worsen. Occasional bouts of worrying may turn into a nearly constant focus on negatives. Frequent irritation with friends may become nonstop frustration.
These types of changes may indicate a transition from mild to moderate depression. If a person observes any differences in symptoms, they should consult a doctor.

Severe depression

Severe or major depression tends to be noticeable to others. The condition is very debilitating, making it extremely difficult to perform usual activities.
Severe depression often involves similar symptoms to milder forms. However, a person with severe depression may also experience:
·         delusions
·         hallucinations
·         thoughts about self-harm or suicide
An individual with this condition will likely require medication, and a doctor may recommend a type of talking therapy.
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the medications most commonly prescribed for severe depression. Examples of SSRIs include:
·         citalopram
·         escitalopram
·         fluoxetine
·         paroxetine
·         sertraline
Benzodiazepines are also available, but they can become addictive with prolonged use. Doctors usually prescribe them when other options have not worked.
If the many other forms of medication and therapy have not been effective, a doctor may suggest electroconvulsive therapy for severe depression. This involves a person receiving an electrical current in the brain while under anesthesia. This can be carried out two to three times a week, resulting in 6-12 treatments.
Visiting a doctor is often a good way to start dealing with depression. The doctor can assess whether depression is causing symptoms and identify the degree of the condition.
Many online tests claim to be able to identify depression. The PHQ-9 test was developed in 1999 and is based on professional diagnostic criteria. It has only nine questions, which are used by doctors in many countries to identify the presence and type of depression.
Anyone unsure about speaking to a doctor may find it useful to take the PHQ-9 test online.
Mild depression is often treated with simple lifestyle changes. These may involve altering a person's diet and sleeping patterns, or improving their work-life balance. It may also help to spend designated periods of time away from TV and social media.

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