Friday 31 March 2023

Expert perspectives: Will there be a cure for psoriatic arthritis?

 Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a complicated condition that can present very differently in different people. Currently, there is no cure for this condition.

PsA occurs in about 30% of people with psoriasis. However, one study suggests that up to two-thirds of individuals with PsA have not received a diagnosis from a rheumatologist.

Because PsA is so complex, treatment can be difficult. The same study suggests that up to 60% of people with PsA do not respond well to traditional treatments.

As our understanding of the condition grows, more and more treatment options are becoming available. However, it remains unclear if a cure will be available in the future.

Learn more below about the changing landscape of PsA treatment from experts in the field.

“[PsA] is caused by an imbalance in the body’s immune system, which causes inflammation in the joints and skin,” explained Dr. Joseph F. Merola, director of the Center for Skin and Related Musculoskeletal Diseases at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, MA, and Dr. Lourdes Perez-Chada, a dermatologist and PsA research fellow at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

“This abnormal immune response is likely [regulated] by genetic factors. For example, many people with PsA have a family history of either psoriasis or PsA, and several genetic markers have been associated with PsA,” they added.

There are other factors involved, as well.

“We know a fair amount of the genetics, but the genetic contribution [of PsA] is quite incomplete and not very useful in the clinic,” said Dr. Arthur Kavanaugh, a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Diego.

“As most people who develop PsA have skin psoriasis long before they develop PsA, there are clearly other factors involved,” Dr. Kavanaugh noted.

“Environmental factors, our gastrointestinal microbiome, and physical trauma may also play a role in triggering or perpetuating PsA in people with an inherited tendency,” Drs. Merola and Perez-Chada suggested.

“There has been tremendous progress, with many new therapies available recently,” said Dr. Kavanaugh.

“It is as good a time as any in the past to have psoriatic disease,” Drs. Merola and Perez-Chada stated. “Treatments for psoriatic skin disease have come a particularly long way, with newer agents able to get a majority of [people] clear or almost clear with regard to skin disease.”

“Treatments for PsA have also come a long way, although we have a harder time pushing the envelope on [more complicated aspects of PsA], such as low disease activity or remission.”

“The management of PsA is mainly challenged by the multifaceted nature of the disease. PsA may present with different clinical features […] that sometimes respond differently to different treatments,” they noted.

Drs. Merola and Perez-Chada also explained that treatment may be complicated by the presence of other health concerns, which may affect the availability of safe treatment options and make it harder to determine whether or not treatment is working.

“To optimize treatment in PsA, most treatment guidelines suggest following a treat-to-target approach. In this approach, [doctors] monitor disease activity through the measurement of well-defined, clinically relevant targets and adjust therapy accordingly,” said Drs. Merola and Perez-Chada.

However, they added that there is still work to be done for this kind of treatment approach. Challenges include:

  • the lack of a clear definition of PsA disease remission
  • limited data to guide the selection of one treatment over another
  • the presence of joint damage from PsA, which may not respond well to treatment

This “trial-and-error” approach to treatment may also require more visits to the clinic, higher treatment costs, and more frequent side effects.

Experts tend to agree that markers that can guide treatment at an individual level would represent a much-needed advancement for PsA treatment. This strategy is known as precision medicine.

“The ultimate goal would be a marker of some sort so that we know what specific treatment is best for each individual,” Dr. Kavanaugh explained.

“Predicting which treatment will [work well] for an individual [person] or disease manifestation is one of the key unmet needs in psoriatic disease management,” Drs. Merola and Perez-Chada added.

“While several studies have identified genetic, [blood], and cellular factors that might be associated with treatment response in psoriatic disease, more research is needed to confirm [if these markers work well enough].”

Treatment options for PsA have come a long way in recent years. There is still a lot of work to do to fully understand PsA, but experts seem optimistic about the future of treatment.

Research that focuses on understanding what PsA looks like in different individuals will help push the field toward a precision medicine-based approached to treatment, which may be the first step toward finding a cure.

Source - Medical News Today

Thursday 30 March 2023

A guide to psoriatic arthritis medication


Medications can relieve symptoms such as joint pain, stiffness, and swelling for people with psoriatic arthritis. The right drugs can also slow disease progression and prevent or limit permanent joint damage.

Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is an autoimmune condition where the immune system attacks the joints and causes inflammation and tissue damage.

Treatments for PsA may include pain relievers, drugs that fight inflammation, and long term medications that calm the immune system’s attack on the joints. Treatments include:

  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • corticosteroids
  • disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs)
  • biologics
  • small molecule medications

No single treatment works for everyone, so a person with PsA will work with their medical provider to find the right medication or therapy.

This article looks at the long and short term medications that can help treat PsA, along with the latest advances in treatments.

How they work

Side effects

NSAIDs are safe for most people if they take them under a doctor’s directions and only for a short time. But people who take NSAIDs for extended periods may experience side effects that can be serious.

Risks of using NSAIDs include:

  • skin reactions, such as reddening or blisters
  • allergic reaction, such as hives, itching, wheezing, swelling, or a rash
  • stomach bleeding or bleeding in the digestive tract
  • heart attack or stroke, though aspirin does not increase this risk

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Trusted Source say people should take NSAIDs at the lowest effective dose for the shortest amount of time to reduce the risk of dangerous side effects.

In summary, NSAIDs are not suitable for long term use. NSAIDs are helpful for occasional pain and stiffness, but not as a continual therapy for PsA.

How they work

Side effects

How they work

Types and side effects

The most common DMARDs for PsA are:

  • methotrexate (Rheumatrex, Trexall)
  • sulfasalazine (Azulfidine)
  • leflunomide (Arava)
  • cyclosporine (Gengraf, Neural, Sandimmune)
  • hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil)


Methotrexate is an immunosuppressive drug that treats psoriasis. It also works well for PsA and can help prevent damage to joints. Rarely, methotrexate can cause liver damage, so a person will need to see their doctor regularly for tests.


Sulfasalazine is a type of sulfa drug that has powerful anti-inflammatory effects. People who are allergic to sulfa drugs cannot take it. It helps prevent joint swelling, inflammation, and damage that PsA causes.


Although this is a rheumatoid arthritis drug, some doctors prescribe it for PsA. It may cause diarrhea in up to 20 percent of people.


Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressant that helps treat autoimmune conditions. Side effects include high blood pressure, headache, and stomach pain.

Antimalarial treatment

Certain drugs that treat malaria can help with PsA. Results may take several months, however. Side effects include headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and vision changes.


Acthar is an injectable medication that can help the body make its own steroid hormones, which helps lower inflammation. Acthar is useful for fast relief of severe inflammation and swelling.


Azathioprine (Imuran) is a drug that suppresses the immune system, which helps with both PsA and skin psoriasis.

How they work


Side effects


Side effects

With many PsA medications available, many people can find relief from PsA symptoms.

Other therapies and lifestyle changes, such as physical therapy, exercise, and weight loss, can be a good complement to medication. People with PsA should work closely with their doctor to follow a complete treatment plan that will help them live the healthiest life possible.

Source - Medical News Today

Wednesday 29 March 2023

Psoriatic arthritis and weight gain: What to know

 People with psoriatic arthritis often have obesity, and obesity may worsen the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. Taking medications and losing weight can improve the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis.

Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a form of inflammatory arthritis that involves pain and stiffness in the joints. Without treatment, it can lead to permanent joint damage.

Some statistics suggest that up to 45% of people with PsA have obesity. However, they do not know precisely what links them. Scientists say the relationship is complex and probably bidirectional, meaning PsA and obesity contribute to each other.

There are several reasons why obesity might make the symptoms of PsA worse.

First, they both involve inflammation, and obesity may exacerbate this. Carrying extra weight puts additional pressure on weight-bearing joints, affecting mobility and exercise capacity. Obesity may also stop some PsA medications from working as well as they could.

In this article, we look at the links between PsA and weight, including ways to safely lose weight with PsA.

ExpertsTrusted Source say there is a link between obesity and PsA. What links them remains unclear. However, obesity appears to be a risk factor for PsA.

People with overweight or obesity appear to have a higher risk of developing psoriasis and PsA. People living with PsA who are overweight also seem to have more severe symptoms and find it harder to manage symptoms.

Carrying extra weight can also put extra pressure on joints, ligaments, and tendons. In turn, painful joints can make it harder to exercise. This can lead to weight gain, which then puts more pressure on the joints, making symptoms worse.

According to the Arthritis Foundation, if people with overweight and arthritis lose 10% of their body weight, they could experience 50% less pain, and their mobility may improve.

The authors of a 2019 study found evidence that inflammation occurs with obesity but not that it predicts the development of obesity.

Some researchTrusted Source from 2022 suggested that acute inflammation due to infections may increase the risk of long-term weight gain.

However, studies have not shown a similar effect with other causes of inflammation, such as psoriatic disease.

Fat tissue produces proteins called cytokines, chemokines, and adipokines. These proteins contribute to inflammation. This can add to the inflammation already present with PsA.

Being overweight or having obesity can prevent PsA medications, such as disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) and tumor necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi) from working effectively.

These treatments aim to minimize disease activity.

According to a 2020 reviewTrusted Source, good evidence shows that losing weight can improve a person’s response to medication such as DMARDs and TNFi drugs.

The authors refer to findings showing that people who lost 10% or more of their weight saw significantly greater improvements in their response to treatment than those who lost less than 5% of their weight.

Research published in 2022 found that apremilast (Otezla) may help manage weight, symptoms, and complications in people with psoriatic disease, including PsA.

Apremilast is a type of drug known as a small molecule phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) inhibitor. Previous studies suggested that weight loss may occur when using PDE4 inhibitors.

The scientists followed up with 60 people who took 30 milligrams per day of apremilast. Participants started with an average body mass index (BMI) of 33.2.

On average, they lost 2.2 kilograms, and their BMI fell by 0.8% over 6 months. In addition, there was a reduction in abdominal fat and other fatty tissue. Disease activity fell. However, the extent of the improvement did not correlate to weight loss.

The best way to lose weight is through dietary choices and regular exercise.


Physical activity can help manage weight and keep a person mobile.

The American College of Rheumatology notes that people with arthritis who exercise regularly may have:

  • less pain
  • have higher energy levels
  • better quality sleep
  • better daily functioning

Current guidelinesTrusted Source recommend low impact exercises, such as swimming, tai chi, or yoga, for people with PsA. People should discuss a suitable exercise plan with their doctor before starting.

Joining a group activity can be motivating and may lead to 20% higher success in managing weight, according to the Arthritis Foundation.

What is a good exercise plan for people with PsA?

Dietary choices

Eating a varied, balanced, and nutritious diet is also essential for weight management.

The AF offers the following steps for losing weight:

  • Nutritious food: Focus on whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, and beans, and limit highly processed foods.
  • Portion size: Using a smaller dish may reduce how much a person eats by as much as 20%.
  • Staying hydrated: Drinking water before a meal can help people to feel fuller quicker.
  • Sleep: A lack of sleep can slow the body’s production of leptin, a protein that makes people feel full. It also increases the body’s production of ghrelin, a hormone that drives hunger.
  • Eating mindfully: Eating more slowly and mindfully — for example, sitting down at the table to eat rather than on the sofa watching television — may help reduce calorie intake by 300 calories per day.

2019 studyTrusted Source found that short-term weight loss on a very low-energy diet improved symptoms of PsA. However, people should not try this or other significant dietary changes without first discussing it with a doctor.

What is a suitable diet for people with PsA?

Losing excess weight through exercise and diet may help someone with PsA to:

  • ease pain
  • improve mobility
  • decrease inflammation
  • improve their body’s response to medication

Compared with the general population, people with PsA have a higher riskTrusted Source of having metabolic syndrome, which features:

  • obesity
  • type 2 diabetes
  • high cholesterol levels
  • high blood pressure
  • cardiovascular disease

Managing weight can help reduce the risk of these potentially serious complications.

Here are some questions people often ask about psoriatic arthritis and body weight.

Does obesity cause psoriatic arthritis?

The rate of obesity is higherTrusted Source in people with PsA than in the general population. However, it is not clear whether obesity results from or contributes to PsA. Experts say the relationship is complex, and the two conditions likely contribute to each other.

Can medications help people with psoriatic arthritis lose weight?

There is some evidence that people could lose some weight when using PDE4 inhibitors, such as apremilast, to treat PsA. To manage weight, however, it is best to focus on eating a nutritious diet and getting regular exercise when possible.

Does losing weight improve symptoms of psoriatic arthritis?

There is evidence that losing weight improves symptoms and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and other complications of PsA. People with obesity and PsA who have lost 10% or moreTrusted Source of their weight have seen significant reductions in disease activity, and symptoms improved.

There appears to be a link between psoriatic disease, including PsA, and obesity.

One reason for this may be that obesity can contribute to inflammation. The extra weight can also put extra pressure on the joints, worsening the symptoms of pain and stiffness. This, in turn, can make exercise more challenging, increasing the risk of weight gain.

Obesity may also affect the way some PsA medications affect a person. DMARDs and TNFi drugs appear to work more effectively when people with obesity lose weight.

Maintaining a moderate weight may help manage the symptoms of PsA and boost an individual’s overall health and well-being. Dietary choices and exercise can help achieve this.

Anyone considering changes to their diet and exercise routine should first speak with a healthcare professional, who will help them make a suitable treatment plan.

Source - Medical News Today