Thursday 7 June 2018

"Cat scratch fever: What you and your cat should know"

Cat scratch fever occurs when a person is bitten, scratched, or licked by a cat infected with the bacteria Bartonella henselae.
The infection doesn't usually cause severe complications. However, it's possible that it can in people with weak immune systems. Knowing the causes and symptoms can ensure a person receives swift treatment.

Cats can transmit several types of infections to humans. Some of these diseases can be severe. 

Carrying out routine care for a cat often reduces the risk of many of these diseases.


A person can get cat scratch fever if they are scratched or bitten by an infected cat. The B. henselae bacteria live in a cat's saliva, and can also be passed to a person through an open area of skin.
People are most likely to experience cat scratch fever in the fall and winter when they're inside and play with their cats. Kids are more likely than adults to have the condition. They can play with cats more roughly, making them more likely to be scratched.


Cat scratch fever doesn't usually cause symptoms in the first few days after a person is exposed. During this time, the bacteria are multiplying in the body.
About 3 to 10 days after a person is scratched, they may notice a small bump or blister on the affected area. Doctors call this an inoculation lesion. These lesions are commonly seen on the:

A few weeks later, a person will usually see the lymph nodes near the lesion swollen or tender.
Lymph nodes are responsible for filtering bacteria and other particles as well as creating immune system cells. They usually feel like small, spongy, round or oval bumps.
If a person was bitten or scratched on the arm, the lymph nodes under the arm or near the elbow may be especially tender.

Sometimes, the lymph nodes swell as much as 2 inches across. They may be warm to the touch, pus-filled, or red in color. The lymph nodes may remain swollen for anywhere from 2 to 4 months after the initial infection.

Most people only have swollen lymph nodes as a symptom. Other symptoms associated with cat scratch fever include:
Abdominal pain
Loss of appetite
Fever, typically no higher than 101°F
Joint pain
Sore throat


Cat scratch fever doesn't usually cause severe symptoms. However, some people may develop a high fever that doesn't seem to go away with time.
Some people can also experience infections in the bones, joints, liver, lungs, or spleen. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the most severe symptoms usually occur in children ages 5 and under.
While cat scratch fever isn't a condition that usually requires emergency care, there are always exceptions. A person should contact their doctor immediately if they experience the following symptoms:
A cat bite or scratch that is not healing or is getting worse
The red area around a bite or scratch is enlarging
A high fever that lasts more than 2 days after being bitten or scratched
High levels of pain


Cat scratch fever can be hard to diagnose as the symptoms are similar to a lot of other conditions. A doctor will ask about a person's medical history and any interactions a person may have had with a cat.
A doctor will then conduct a physical examination, looking at the scratched area and any swollen lymph nodes. Examination and medical history are often enough to make a diagnosis.
The doctor may order additional tests to make sure another condition isn't causing the symptoms. They could take a sample of blood and send it to a lab to determine what type of bacteria is growing.
Doctors can also order a blood test that specifically tests for cat scratch fever.


As most cases of cat scratch fever are mild, a doctor won't always prescribe a treatment. If symptoms are moderate to severe, they may prescribe an antibiotic.
At-home treatments for the condition include bed rest and an over-the-counter pain reliever if the lymph nodes are painful or especially tender.
While children don't have to stop playing, they should avoid hitting or interfering with the affected lymph nodes.
Once a person has had cat scratch fever once, they're unlikely to get the disease again.

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