Wednesday 12 December 2018

How to get rid of chest pain at home

A heart attack can be the first thing a person thinks of when they have chest pain. However, there are many potential causes of pain in the chest area. No matter the cause, a person usually wants to eliminate the pain quickly.
Home remedies for heart pain are meant to treat infrequent chest pain that is due to digestive issues, such as gas, muscle strains, and anxiety.
It may not be easy to tell the difference between this benign pain and more serious conditions. When in doubt, people should always seek medical attention.
A person must receive urgent medical care when:
heart or chest pain feels crushing, tight, squeezing, or heavy
a person suspects they are having a heart attack
shortness of breath is experienced alongside chest pain

Ten home remedies for heart pain
There are several things a person can try at home to help alleviate heart pain when it occurs and to prevent future occurrences.
The home remedies below should only be used when a person has been examined by a doctor and is certain that the chest pain is not caused by something serious, such as a heart attack.
Also, these remedies are not meant for a person with angina. People with angina should follow the treatment given to them by their doctor.

1. Almonds
When acid reflux is to blame for the heart pain, eating a few almonds or drinking a cup of almond milk may help.
There is not much scientific evidence to support these claims around almonds. Instead, most of the evidence is anecdotal with people passing on their knowledge or experience to others.
One thing to keep in mind is that almonds are high in fat, which can cause acid reflux. If this is the case, almonds could actually make the pain worse.
However, some research indicates that almond consumption may help with the prevention of heart disease. Though almonds may not stop the immediate pain, they can have a positive impact on overall heart health.

2. Cold pack
A common cause of heart or chest pain is a muscle strain. In these cases, a person can have pain in the chest due to strain from exercise, other activities, or blunt trauma.
In any of these cases, icing the area with a cold pack is a widely accepted method to help reduce swelling and stop the pain.

3. Hot drinks
A hot drink may help to eliminate gas when a person's pain is due to gas or bloating. The hot liquid can also help boost digestion.
Some drinks may be better than others in this respect. For example, hibiscus tea has been found to have several benefits beyond helping with bloating.
Hibiscus may also play a role in lowering blood pressure and reducing cholesterol. These added benefits may help prevent heart complications.

4. Baking soda
Another popular recommendation for heart pain is to add baking soda to warm or cool water. The result is an alkaline solution that can help reduce the acid in the stomach if that is causing the pain.
However, a study in 2013 concluded that baking soda may be good to treat heartburn but may have adverse effects on the heart overall.

5. Garlic
Garlic is claimed to be a remedy for chest pain, although there is no science to back this up.
People can mix a clove or two of minced garlic with a glass of warm milk. Instead of drinking the garlic, they should chew the pieces to gain the maximum benefit.
Research has shown that garlic can help to reverse heart disease and reduce the buildup of plaque in the arteries.

6. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is another home remedy meant to help with acid reflux. People claim that drinking it before or after a meal may prevent acid reflux. Though a popular theory, there is little evidence to support the claims.
Apple cider vinegar has minimal side effects, but people taking blood thinner may want to avoid its use, as it can also thin the blood.

7. Aspirin
A person may want to take aspirin if they have chest pain. A pain reliever, such as aspirin, can help alleviate the heart pain associated with less severe cases.
Research also indicates that consistent use of low-dose aspirin may help prevent heart attacks. But aspirin remains controversial due to the increased risk of bleeding.

8. Lie down
When heart pain strikes, lying down immediately with the head elevated above the body may bring some relief. A slightly upright position helps when the pain is due to reflux.

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