People should contact a doctor if they:

  • experience severe and sudden shortness of breath
  • experience shortness of breath when at rest
  • have severe shortness of breath that worsens during exercise or physical activity
  • wake suddenly with shortness of breath or a feeling of choking
  • are at high altitude and experience severe shortness of breath with a cough, rapid heartbeat, and fluid retention

The treatment options for low blood oxygen levels include supplemental oxygen. Doctors can administer oxygen therapy in an office, or they can prescribe or recommend the use of home oxygen therapy (HOT).

A range of devices is available for delivering and monitoring HOT, but some require a prescription.

People can make lifestyle adjustments to reduce the symptoms of low oxygen levels, as well as improve their general health and quality of life. Changes that will likely be beneficial include:

  • quitting smoking
  • avoiding secondhand smoke
  • eating a nutritious diet containing plenty of fruits, whole grains, lean protein, and vegetables
  • exercising regularly

Learn more about following a well-balanced diet.

Many conditions can cause low blood oxygen levels. Treating the underlying condition responsible will generally improve blood oxygen levels.

People living with chronic lung diseases, such as COPD, and those who catch COVID-19 may need regular blood oxygen monitoring.

A person with low blood oxygen can also make lifestyle changes, such as adjusting their dietary and exercise habits. In conjunction with oxygen therapy, these changes could help a person raise their oxygen saturation levels.

A person’s blood oxygen level refers to the amount of oxygen circulating in their blood. A person can measure their blood oxygen levels using a pulse oximeter. On a pulse oximeter, doctors consider levels under 95% to be low.

Several conditions can cause low blood oxygen levels, including asthma, anemia, and COVID-19.

The treatment will often involve addressing the underlying cause, but doctors may sometimes also recommend oxygen therapy or lifestyle modifications.