Saturday 14 September 2019

How to cope with social anxiety over Thanksgiving

Social anxiety isn't just nervousness; it can have a heavy impact on lifestyle, social relationships, and self-esteem. Thanksgiving is nearly here, and the thought of being surrounded by dozens of relatives may make you uneasy. So what are some things that you can do to keep anxiety at bay?
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) report that 6.8 percent of all adults in the United States experience social anxiety — also known as "social phobia" — each year. Of these, 29.9 percent of cases are classed as "severe."
Social anxiety is defined as an "intense, persistent fear of being [...] judged by others," and standing out from the crowd. People who live with this disorder may struggle with school, work, and various other social situations such as parties, weddings, and other family celebrations, as they are constantly — and painfully — self-aware, scared of doing or saying the wrong thing.
In social anxiety, words and gestures are blown out of proportion, and individuals fear that the smallest thing that they've said or done may severely impact the way that others see them. This fear can become debilitating and put people with this type of anxiety off from attending events that others take great pleasure in.
With Thanksgiving drawing ever nearer, households across the U.S. are getting ready to celebrate love and gratitude with family members and friends. But how can you let these warm feelings shine, and how can you enjoy the event, if being around people makes you so anxious?
Below, we look at some methods that may help you to keep social anxiety manageable, so you can begin to relax a little and enjoy yourself this Thanksgiving.
1. Prepare in advance
If you already know that you'll have to be around a large group of people — including relatives who you haven't seen in months or years, or new girlfriends and boyfriends you've never even met — then it's probably a good idea to do a little mental and practical preparation.
For instance, you may want to engage in something relaxing and enjoyable beforehand, such as meditation or breathing exercises. Many studies suggest that meditation and mindfulness techniques are effective in reducing stress and worry.
A useful breathing exercise for anxiety is to take a breath in, slowly, maybe counting to five, and feel the air fill your belly. Then, release the breath just as slowly, feeling first your belly and then your chest deplete completely. Repeat this a few times, until the tension in your body eases a little, and you feel more relaxed.
You may want to prepare a list of potential conversation topics in advance. If you get people talking about themselves — their children, pets, jobs, projects, and so forth — then you'll be placing them in the limelight, and you won't have to worry about your own performance.
Research has suggested that people with social anxiety tend to focus too much on the impression that they might leave on someone else. Switching the focus to other people — what they've been doing, what kind of things they enjoy, or what they plan to do come next weekend — can help to disperse some of that heavy self-consciousness.
2. Make sure you a have a 'job' to do
Speaking of focusing on someone else, psychologist Anita Sanz — who had to cope with social anxiety for many years herself — explains that "giving herself a job to do" in a social setting has often helped her to alleviate anxiety.
In an interview, she explains that a sense of purpose allows her to forget that she's worried about how others might perceive her.
"I have found that the best way to manage social anxiety is to give myself a 'job' to do. I substitute purpose for confidence and meaning for fear. I don't focus on how others are perceiving me or evaluating me when I am trying to accomplish something important or meaningful."
Anita Sanz
So, once you get to the Thanksgiving dinner party, make sure you have a practical job to do: set the table, check on the turkey, do some dishes, or decorate the dessert. This will keep you occupied and may allow you to avoid the hustle and bustle of the event.
As a bonus, studies have shown that performing an altruistic deed to help someone else boosts happiness and decreases stress levels.
Research reported by Medical News Today earlier this year, for instance, found that being generous and performing selfless acts activates the ventral striatum, which is a region of the brain linked with happiness and the reward cycle.
3. Try to turn anxiety into excitement
When you feel the wave of panic coming on, try to imagine that you're excited instead. You can make this a general statement, repeating "I'm excited" to yourself, like a mantra. Or, you can make it specific, fooling your mind that you're hyped about a coming event or situation. For instance, you can anticipate your upcoming hike, or an online shopping spree.
This way, you may be able to trick your brain into thinking that your anxiety is actually a feeling of intense anticipation felt in the lead-up to a good thing. In scientific terms, this technique is called "reappraisal."
Prof. Alison Wood Brooks, from the Harvard Business School in Boston, MA — who published a paper on this topic — explains that it may be easier to transition from anxiety to excitement than from anxiety to a state of calmness. That is because anxiety and excitement are more similar to each other, and closer in intensity.
"The way we verbalize and think about our feelings," explains Prof. Brooks, "helps to construct the way we actually feel. Saying 'I am excited' represents a simple, minimal intervention that can be used quickly and easily to prime an opportunity mindset and improve performance."
A more recent study published in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology also suggests that reappraising your emotions can be helpful, at least in the short-term, in tackling situations that cause anxiety.

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