Friday 11 May 2018

What happens if you sleep with your eyes open?

People who sleep with their eyes open may wake up feeling their eyes are dry and grainy. Some may think this habit is odd, but it is quite common. A person who sleeps with their eyes open regularly could end up with severe eye problems, however.
The medical term for sleeping with the eyes open is nocturnal lagophthalmos. Up to 20 percent of people are affected. One reason that it happens is problems with the facial nerves or muscles that make it difficult to keep the eyes fully closed. It can also occur because of problems with the skin around the eyelids.
If people keep their eyes open while sleeping, their eyes can dry out. Without enough lubrication, the eyes are more susceptible to infections and can become scratched and damaged.
People may experience the following:
  • redness
  • blurred vision
  • irritation or a burning sensation
  • scratchiness
  • sensitivity to light
  • feeling as if something is in the eye or rubbing against it
  • poor sleep quality
Most people realize they have slept with their eyes open because another person tells them they have done so.

What are the treatment options?

There are several treatment options.
A doctor might also prescribe 
medications, including:
  • eye drops
  • artificial tears
  • ophthalmic ointments to help prevent scratches
A person can also wear moisture goggles at night, which can help.
These work by moisturizing the eyes during sleep. Sleeping with a humidifier in the bedroom can also keep the surrounding air moist and less likely to dry out the eyes.
A doctor may recommend using an external eyelid weight. This is attached to the outside of the upper eyelids to keep them closed. Applying surgical tape to the eyelids also serves the same purpose.
Another option is surgery, though this is usually only recommended for severe cases.

Surgery for nocturnal lagophthalmus

There are multiple surgeries that can treat lagophthalmos.
In one type of surgery, a gold surgical implant is inserted into the eyelid that works like an eyelid weight to keep the eye closed while someone is sleeping.
This surgery involves making a small incision on the outside of the eyelid above the lashes. This creates a small pocket where the implant is inserted. The implant is held in place with stitches, which seal the pocket.
Antibiotic ointment is applied to the eyelid to help it heal. As a result of the surgery, a person may experience:
  • swelling
  • discomfort
  • redness
  • bruising

These symptoms should reduce over time as the eyelid heals.

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